Holiday Edition: The greatest gift

During the holiday season, we often find ourselves immersed in frenzied activities. There are events to plan, cleaning to do, decorations to put up, gifts to purchase, places to visit, people to see, meals to prepare, gatherings to host, and even more cleaning to do. It is easy to become hyper-focused on activities rather than the meaning behind it all.

The tradition of gift giving

One of the traditions of the holiday season involves giving to others. We think of our loved ones and how much they mean to us. There are those few obligatory gifts we feel we have to purchase, but for the most part, our gift giving is done freely and generously. As you review your list of gift recipients, please look to see if your name is on it.

This year, add your name to the list of those for whom you are grateful. As you think about giving something meaningful to the people on this list, include something meaningful for yourself. And, the best part of giving yourself the gift I am about to suggest, you will not have to shop in any store or order it from an online seller.

Love is affordable and easy to give

This year, as the love you feel for others comes forth from your heart, save some in your chest for yourself. As you extend your appreciation of others in your life, extend some to yourself. When you think about giving freely to others, give freely to yourself. As you express your love of others to them, show some to yourself. This is important since we ultimately can only give to others what we are willing to accept for ourselves.

Love is the greatest gift we can give to others. It is also the greatest gift we can give to ourselves. The ego believes it can give love to another while it feels contempt for itself. This love of which the ego speaks is not the love of which God knows. God’s concept of unconditional love is universal, available to everyone, affordable, and never in short supply.

As you give to others, give to yourself

This year, and for every year that follows, give love to yourself before you give it to others. The more love you have for yourself, the more you have to extend. The more you extend, the more that comes back to you. By affirming that God and I are One™, you affirm the abundance of God’s love.

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