Love is not on a dimmer switch

Light bulbs, wiring, and switches are basic components of a home’s electrical system. A bulb provides illumination for the home. The home’s wiring supplies the necessary power as electricity. Finally, the switch allows the operator to cut and restore power to the bulb as he or she desires.

Lighting fixtures are frequently placed on a dimmer switch. Conceptually, a dimmer switch reduces the brightness level of the light source. The level can vary from intense and bright to soft and dim. With a dimmer switch, the operator is able to match the light level to any desired mood.

Love illuminates

Spiritually speaking, Love is a form of Light. And, God places and maintains this Light in each one of us. Due to their importance, the words Spirit, Love, and Light are all capitalized. Moreover, they represent the qualities of God’s experience.

Thinking in terms of electrical circuitry, God is an endless source of power. Love is the wiring that connects us to God. And, we are the bulb through which God’s Love illuminates the world. So, where does the switch fit into the picture?

Only the ego knows of a switch

The question of the switch can only be answered by the ego. For, only the ego thinks a switch exists. The ego believes that love (which it sees in lower case) can be switched on and off. To the ego, love is a tool for manipulating other egos.

The ego mistakenly fears that God judges by holding love in reserve. The ego further worries it is not one of God’s chosen few. This twisted logic explains why the ego thinks love is conditional. It also explains why the ego thinks that love is connected to a switch.

The ego is clever, however. It knows that it cannot simply throw a switch to completely shut out God’s Light. So, the ego connects love to an imaginary dimmer switch. With its “finger” on the switch, it matches the level of illumination to its mood or whim. The ego feels empowered every time it adjusts the intensity of its love.

Ditch the switch

There are moments when we all feel disconnected from the experience of God’s Love. When this happens, know that the ego is trying to flip a switch. First, visualize a wall with a switch on it. Then, see that switch disappear before your eyes. Once the switch is gone, you experience the eternal nature of God’s Light and Love.

The affirmation “God and I Are One™” is your daily reminder that you are always connected to the Love of God. Thus, the ego cannot control or dim it. God’s Love Lights every one and every thing with an intensity greater than a million suns.

Copyright © 2021 by God And I Are One, GAIAO LLC. All rights reserved.

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