Social Distancing does not mean Spiritual Distancing

A novel virus begets a novel response

The emergence and spreading of the novel coronavirus has caused a shift in our individual and collective attention. No longer do we approach each day with a casual reliance on mundane daily activities. Instead, we are thrust into the uncomfortable experience of re-focusing attention on safety and economic well-being.

Medical professionals rightly preach the importance of staying home, going out only when absolutely necessary, wearing non-medical face protection, and practicing social distancing. Current data confirms these important measures make a difference in the fight to contain the virus. As you heed this advice, however, remember that social distancing does not mean spiritual distancing.

You are a part of the solution

For those who think we are helpless victims of this scourge, think again. All of us have the spiritual resources to make a difference. It begins by transferring the energy of fear to that of resolve. To this end, be it resolved that we pray for and bless our heroic medical professionals with the unyielding protection and strength of God.

Pray for and bless our leaders on all levels of government to exercise wisdom and shepherd us in a socially-responsible manner. Finally, pray for and bless one another to be accountable and follow the advice of medical professionals.

The message of the GAIAO™, website is clear: God and I are One™. The theme of the GAIAO™ Blog is consistent: By affirming “God and I are One™,” on a daily basis, we realize that separation from God, and each other, is an illusion. Now, let us examine what we all must do.

Each day, spiritually connect with God and affirm, “God and I are One™.” When you do, you powerfully affirm God’s presence in your life. Each day, spiritually connect with one another and powerfully affirm God’s presence everywhere.

We must always (and in all ways) affirm that God And I Are One™.

Copyright © 2020 by God And I Are One, GAIAO LLC. All rights reserved.


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