Designated Miracle Maker™. Part 2: Miracles flow from changes in thought

Becoming a Designated Miracle Maker™ is as easy as remembering and living the affirmation, God and I Are One™. If you understand and practice the steps in this series of posts, you might just be a miracle maker.

Miracles flow from a change in thought, not the world

Many ask for miracles and wait, often in fear and frustration, for the world to change around them. The Designated Miracle Maker™ creates miracles by changing the fear-based consciousness that gave rise for their need.

The ego manufactures and uses fear as a powerful distraction tool. The ego needs fear to justify its existence as the body’s protector from the wrath of God for the myth of separation. By focusing on and reacting to grand illusions of fear (which is the ego’s favorite job), God’s message of love and salvation are drowned out. Fortunately, the miracle is always available to those who are willing to acknowledge the fear and look to the light beyond it.

Miracles are “tailor-made” by you

We all have the power to use consciousness and create what we see and experience in the outer world. The good news is that we also have the power to tailor our experiences to our exact liking. A demonstrated miracle is merely the witness to this shift in consciousness. The miracle appears when the ego’s focus on fear shifts to God’s ever-present reminder that we are pure love, sinlessness, and forgiveness.

Miracles enlighten

Miracles are easy to create. They are fun to create. Miracles are the light in which Designated Miracle Makers™ perform their work helping others. They enlighten by bringing knowledge to every situation that needs it. This knowledge dissipates fear as easily as a light wind scatters dust.

The Designated Miracle Maker™ loves to consciously create and then experience miracles. If you love miracles and are ready to do likewise, you might just be a Designated Miracle Maker™.

Copyright © 2022 by God And I Are One, GAIAO LLC. All rights reserved.

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