It is said that life is a journey. If so, why not walk the path using these blog posts as your map. We all desire and deserve a life filled with love, peace, joy, and spiritual intimacy.
There are many things to learn in life. Interestingly, there are also many things to forget. Know that the voice of and for God is always by your side to keep you centered on the right path. Remember to always listen to God and tune out the ego.
Work requires effort. Effort expends energy. And, energy needs renewal. This week, let us take time to go back and review the posts in this blog.
As the saying goes, the third time is the charm
The first time we read something, it serves to introduce a concept. But, concepts take time to absorb. Again, its not that spiritual work, in and of itself, is necessarily difficult. The difficulty, if there is any, is in dealing with the ranting of the ego as we turn our attention away from it and toward God.
Have you ever watched a favorite movie a second or third time? It is amazing how many things you miss the first time you view it. The same holds true for these posts. Therefore, listening to God also means reinforcing His message.
As you go back and review the important lessons in these posts, look for any deeper meaning that might have been missed. See the new insights waiting for you to discover. Realize that each time you go back, your spiritual eyes will open even wider to take in the lessons.
So, as you sit back, relax, and review these blog posts, know that the path you walk is on solid ground.
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