Become a Designated Miracle Maker™

Many vocations and professions have designations that indicate the designee has obtained a certain level of education or proficiency. Examples include MD for Medical Doctor and CPA for Certified Public Accountant. Today we introduce a new designation called DMM™ for Designated Miracle Maker™.

Miracles are yours to create

You earn this designation by demonstrating the required level of knowledge and proficiency in creating miracles. The good news is the DMM™ designation is obtained by simply remembering and being what you are as a child of God (rather than completing years of difficult schooling).

You are a Miracle

To the ego, miracles can appear to be elusive, the private domain of a few enlightened individuals, or beyond its reach. We often wonder if we are really worthy of receiving, or even more so, creating miracles. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Understand that everyone has the natural ability to create a miracle because we are a miracle. We are the creation of God… and God does not make mistakes.

Become a DMM™

Over the next several Blog posts, we will examine what it takes for you become a Designated Miracle Maker™. Check back weekly. You can also click on the “Continue Reading” link of any post and provide your email address in the popup window. You will be notified when a new post is ready.

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