Change your mind about love. You won’t mind the change in your life.

Our work in these blog posts confirms that God always hears our calls for help. As He answers our prayers, however, we don’t always listen. It’s not like we intentionally ignore God. But, we are so accustomed to worldly distractions that the ego chirping is the only voice we hear.

We understand that forgiveness is a powerful tool. It tunes out the ego and helps us tune back into God. It opens clear lines of communication with God. Through these open lines, we are free to ask God for help in changing our lives and improving our circumstances.

God’s answer to our prayers is always love

When we ask God a question, His answer will always align with His love for His children. His love for us gently reminds us to change any unloving thoughts we have about others. God will never change what other people are thinking or doing, however. To do so would violate their exercise of free will. If someone had an issue with us, we would not want them to enlist God’s mighty power to force us against our will.

Remember that God loves us all equally and gives us the tools to heal the (ego’s) belief in separation. When we experience anything that provokes fear, do not ask why it is happening. Instead, ask God what unloving thoughts do we harbor and need to change. What old, worn out thoughts are we continually resurrecting? What old voices from the past are we listening to instead of the voice for God?

God’s answer is always within

Quiet every unloving thought and truly listen for God’s answer, regardless of the form in which the message appears. You will soon experience the lifting of fear. This is your sign that the process is working. The source of the fear was never the person, circumstance, or event. It was always within us. And, as we discover, so was God’s answer.

If you are fearful about someone or angry with them, use the following affirmation. “Today I give release to my dream of separation from you so you no longer participate in yours about me.” When you affirm this, you remember your spiritual connection with them. And, the healing process begins.

You heal the imaginary gap you thought separated you. You notice the person change, often in miraculous ways. This occurs not because you ask God to change them, but because you ask God to change you.

Copyright © 2022 by God And I Are One, GAIAO LLC. All rights reserved.

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