Designated Miracle Maker™. Part 4: There is nothing to learn to make miracles

Becoming a Designated Miracle Maker™ is as easy as remembering and living the affirmation, God and I Are One™. If you understand and practice the steps in this series of posts, you might just be a miracle maker.

There is nothing to learn to be a miracle maker

As a miracle maker, you understand that there is nothing to learn to make miracles. You only need to remember that as a child of God, you are born with all the knowledge you need. This is why nothing in the world of illusion rattles the miracle maker’s confidence in the knowledge that he or she is one with God. While there is nothing to learn to perform miracles, there are some things to understand about the process.

It is our nature to live a life of miracles

Miracles are our natural state of affairs. When things go awry and it seems like a miracle is needed, consider a different approach. While it appears that a miracle must be introduced to remedy the problem, the miracle was always available. We simply allowed the world of illusion to distract us from its presence.

Keep your attention on things to fear and the ego happily directs you to fearful things. Think about injustice and the ego finds other egos worthy of attack and retribution. Worry about the loss of anything and the ego reminds you of everything that can be taken from you. The ego simply loves peddling vicious cycles.

The miracle maker can quickly shift mental gears

When you encounter a difficulty, challenge, setback, or frustration, bring your attention back to the knowledge that a miracle is present and ready to replace it. It is simply a matter of shifting mental gears. Do not allow the ego to pamper itself with its never-ending focus on problems. The ego uses this focus as proof that problems, not miracles, are real. It will take some practice to get the hang of this, but when you do, you will be a confident miracle maker.

If you apply your God-given, miracle-minded knowledge throughout life, then you might just be a Designated Miracle Maker™.

Copyright © 2022 by God And I Are One, GAIAO LLC. All rights reserved.

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