Becoming a Designated Miracle Maker™ is as easy as remembering and living the affirmation, God and I are One™. If you understand and practice the steps in this series of posts, you might just be a miracle maker.
All miracles are equal
A true miracle maker understands that a miracle does not depend on the magnitude of a problem, difficulty, or challenge. It does not matter to the miracle if the request is to cure a life-threatening disease, heal a struggling relationship, or experience all green traffic lights on the way to work after over-sleeping. All miracles are equal. Only the illusion the miracle is asked to fix has different values to us.
There is no “secret” way to ask for a miracle
The miracle maker receives comfort knowing that the same miracle can help a wounded sparrow once again take flight and bring healing to a monumental problem. The miracle maker never worries if she prays a sufficient length of time. He never worries if he uses the proper words in his prayer request. Both of them understand that the form of the request is irrelevant. It only matters that we understand the request has already been granted.
The miracle’s appearance depends only on belief
A miracle maker does not wonder if the miracle will be granted. She knows that any perceived time lag between the miracle’s request and its appearance will not hinder its corrective power. God and miracles are not time-bound. Further, the miracle maker does not worry if he is worthy of God’s grace. God imbues us all with the ability to make miracles.
Only when the ego focuses on the illusion of separation from God does the miracle seem like it might not be granted. As learned in Part 4, the miracle is always ready, willing, and able to bring about change in appearances. As you have faith in a miracle, so shall it come to pass. This is due to the fact that the miracle does not change outward appearances. It simply and effortlessly changes the mistaken belief that an appearance has any power over a child of God.
If you have never tried to weigh a miracle on a scale before asking for it, then you might just be a Designated Miracle Maker™.
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