Designated Miracle Maker™. Part 6: The Miracle Maker practices miracle making in every moment of every day

Becoming a Designated Miracle Maker™ is as easy as remembering and living the affirmation, God and I are One™. If you understand and practice the steps in this series of posts, you might just be a miracle maker.

Miracles are a daily occurrence

The miracle maker practices miracle-making in every moment of every day. He does not wait in anticipation of “bad things” happening and then quickly attempt to reverse it with a hastily-manufactured miracle. Such efforts rarely, if ever, yield the desired result. The only way to actually reverse some of these “bad things” is to reverse the ego’s mind set that contributes to their arising.

The practice of anticipating bad things actually counteracts the miracle mind set. Bad attitudes, fear, anger, resentments, and judgments all are highly attractive to the ego. These ego expressions are “birds of a feather.” It’s like filling a bird feeder with seeds of negativity. The moment the feeder is filled, even more fearful things fly in to “flock together.”

The daily practice of miracle making is a technique that inhibits negative thoughts or emotions from arising. This is important since miracles need a clear mental channel through which to flow. In other words, negative thoughts block our ability to witness miracles. The miracle maker maintains focus on God thereby allowing His love to flow to every nook and cranny of consciousness. From there, His love effortlessly flows to others.

As part of this process, remember that negative thoughts or influences will continue to interrupt your sense of peace. As much as we like to think that spiritual fulfillment means no more problems, such is not the case. The key to miracle making is that we are able to recognize this interruption immediately when it happens and then return to our affirmation that God and I are One™. The negative thoughts or influences are thereby placed under God’s guidance for correction.

Maintain a daily miracle focus

Only one focus can be maintained at a time–whether it is on God’s love or the physical world of fear and illusion. Through the practice of free will, we get to decide where to place our attention. If we choose fear, the ego paradoxically is happy show us an endless stream of things to fear. These fearful illusions serve as the proof the ego needs to justify its expressions of anger and attack as a necessary form of defense.

If we keep our full attention on God’s love, we no longer think about the things we used to fear. Miracles appear in direct proportion to the shifting of attention from fear to God’s love. Stated another way, the miracle naturally replaces that which we previously chose to fear. While it appears as if the miracle chases away something fearful, quite the opposite occurs. In reality, the miracle reminds us that the thing we chose to fear has no effect on our status as a loved, peaceful, joyous, and healed child of God.

Let God be your daily director

The demonstration of miracles is under God’s direction. It is His unconditional love that does the healing through us. This removes all pressure from the miracle maker who no longer has to worry about how to create them. Conversely, fear is under the ego’s direction.

Any time you are stuck in a rut of anger, fear, or suffering (which happens to all of us from time-to-time), remind yourself that being stuck is a choice. It is the choice to listen to the ego. Granted, the ego is capable of raising a noisy stink that is hard to ignore. However, with a little faith, we shift our attention back to God and the channel for miracles is again open.

Love surrounds the person who maintains a daily focus on miracle making. As a result, they experience frequent periods of peace, joy, and laughter. If a loved one has ever asked you why you were smiling and laughing in your sleep, you might just be a Designated Miracle Maker™.

Copyright © 2022 by God And I Are One, GAIAO LLC. All rights reserved.

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