Make not an idol of money

Make not an idol of money. Instead, let it serve as a creative expression of your connection to God. This sounds easy enough, and it is. But, it may require a workaround in thought as far as the ego is concerned. If you ever experience frustration where money is concerned, even for a fleeting moment, this message is for you.

At its most basic level, money appears when we invest the right thought, coupled with the proper attitude and the required action. In other words, when thought, attitude, and action converge, money appears. If this sounds too good to be true, you know there is work to do. And, the best place to start is by withdrawing any mental investment in the concept of lack.

What is money to the ego

If you really think about it, money is a barter chip we use to exchange for life experiences. Paper currency itself, is nothing more than cotton and linen pulp trimmed into 2.6 x 6.1 inch pieces. It costs around 10 cents to produce a $5.00 bill and a $100.00 bill. In raw material terms, these two bills are nearly identical. But, the value that human egos attribute to each is 20 times different.

In the spiritual realm, money is nothing more than pieces of paper and metal. To the ego, money creates a sense of self worth, power, and importance in the world. The more money the ego has, the more status it has compared to other egos. Conversely, less money equates to lower status and importance.

The folly of the ego is in attempting to build a fulfilling life around how many pieces of paper and metal it can collect. “Yeah fine,” responds the ego, “so try existing in a world without your ‘so called’ pieces of paper and metal!” “What am I supposed to give to the bill collector?” “How am I supposed to eat, pay the mortgage, and put gas in my tank?”

The source of the struggle

Since God is all that is, God is abundance. With God there is no lack and there is no wanting. Unfortunately for the ego, it sees itself in a constant battle with God. If God is abundance, then the ego must represent scarcity. And, this is where it all starts to make sense.

God is the ego’s greatest threat, therefore, the ego turns to money as its idol. An idol is an object, be it a person or a thing, that another chooses to worship. An idol is a false God. As the ego loves its money, it worships a false god.

As the ego fears any perceived lack of money, it also worships a false god. The ego stands ready to make whatever sacrifice it thinks is necessary to gain access to the pieces of paper and metal it so tirelessly worships. Dysfunctions of all variety bear witness to these unnecessary sacrifices. The process is an exhausting one, indeed.

How to let go

It is time to stop counting the pieces of paper and metal we do (or don’t) have on any given day. Instead, count the number of times you give thanks each day for access to God’s abundance. If God is all that is, and you are an express of God, then you have access to all that is. We remind ourselves of this through the daily affirmation, “God and I Are One™.”

Maybe the ego is right that we exchange money for the material pleasures of life. But, we cannot exchange it for the unconditional love, enduring peace, and spiritual intimacy that only God can provide. And, God will never send us a bill or monthly statement in exchange for His perfect love.

Copyright © 2022 by God And I Are One, GAIAO LLC. All rights reserved.

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