New Year Edition: A resolution to be resolved

When the sun sets on one year and dawn breaks on another, we often reflect on the opportunities we had during the year. We think ahead to new goals we would like to accomplish and old ones we may wish to renew. To accomplish any goal, we must firmly establish it in our mind. We then must list the tasks necessary to complete it. These are the easy parts of the process. The challenge is mustering the discipline to follow through with each task.

Resolve yourself

It is often said that the problem with goals is that most of us just don’t set them. While for some people this may be true. For most of us, however, we set them all of the time. We just refuse to follow through with the tasks. This is where discipline comes into play.

Based on one opinion poll, over 13 million people make New Year’s Resolutions each year. Not surprisingly, few of these resolution-makers actually accomplish their goals during the ensuing twelve months. Think of how many times we have all set the same goal only to find it appearing, once again, on next year’s list. Think, too, of how different things would be if were willing to muster the discipline to follow through.

This year, resolve yourself to select one meaningful goal for 2019. Resolve yourself to list the tasks necessary to accomplish the goal. And, most importantly, resolve yourself to discipline. To resolve yourself about something, is to reach a firm decision about it. For example, we can resolve to save more money, eat better and get in shape, stop smoking, or travel more. We can also resolve to be more loving, forgiving, and spiritually-aligned in every thought and behavior.

Be your own disciple

A disciple is a person who believes in and supports the principles and teachings of someone. The disciple first learns the principles and then teaches them to others. Jesus, for example, was supported by twelve key disciples who learned from Him and, eventually, served as witnesses for His teachings. This year we resolve ourselves to learn from these masters and apply their collective teachings to our own lives.

After you select your 2019 goal and list the tasks necessary to complete it, move your attention to discipline. To serve as a worthy disciple of your goal, make sure you believe in its value. Support your goal by prioritizing each task and completing it before you do anything else during the day. Adopt a “set it up and knock it down” attitude where you allow nothing (meaning, no-thing) to distract you.

Rejoice in the process

As a disciplined goal-setter, rejoice in the fact that accomplishing goals is your destiny. Rejoice knowing that your new “goal setting–goal reaching” behaviors serve as a shining example for others to emulate. You are teacher to the world of how effortless this process actually is. When you align with this process, you align with Spirit and serve God. As dawn breaks on 2019, resolve to be resolved.

Copyright © 2021 by God And I Are One, GAIAO LLC. All rights reserved.

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