Holiday Edition: Thanksgiving and Giving Thanks

This week we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. The word thanksgiving has two meanings in the dictionary. First, it describes a general expression of gratitude and appreciation, typically for all that one has. This definition frequently includes a reference to a prayer of appreciation, especially to God. Next, the word Thanksgiving refers to the holiday celebrated in the U.S. on the fourth Thursday of November.

The First Thanksgiving

The first recorded Thanksgiving was a multi-day harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims and Native Americans in 1621. Thereafter in 1863, President Lincoln declared it a national holiday. Today, we carry on the tradition by gathering with family and friends. As part of this event, we enjoy a communal feast as we express our gratitude for the blessings we all have.

Give thanks every day

We have many God-given things for which to give thanks. So, why limit the giving of thanks to just one day? Since the fourth Thursday in November is “Thanksgiving Day,” let’s call the other 364 days “A Day for Giving Thanks.” Make it a habit to rise each day and begin with a statement of thanksgiving for the blessings of the previous day and the blessings yet to come.

See the goodness that is all around you. It’s there if you look for it. If you are dealing with a challenge, give thanks for the knowledge that God is at your side and ready to show you what the challenge is here to teach. To help with this process, read the “Designated Miracle Maker™” series in this Blog. In there you will find many practical tips and helpful suggestions for accomplishing this.

Give thanks and heal your life

Give thanks that you are surrounded by an abundance of opportunities to reconnect with God. As you do so, you heal the separation promoted by the ego and defended by the world. Give thanks each day for the knowledge that unconditional love, peace, and joy are your Divine right. Be thankful that your goodness is not limited by any ego-based, Earth-bound “need” for money or a special person to love you.

Give thanks and heal the world

Express thanks each morning you arise and each evening before you retire to bed that all your needs are always being met. With God as your guide, denial is not possible. Give thanks for God’s love as it is the only true love you need. See this love expressed through the person you greet in the mirror each morning. Make each day “A Day for Giving Thanks” and your blessings shall heal your life and the world.

Note: The “Designated Miracle Maker™” series will continue with Part 8 in next week’s installment. Now, get back to giving thanks–and happy “giving thanks” to you as well!

Copyright © 2021 by God And I Are One, GAIAO LLC. All rights reserved.

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