Who holds your remote control?

You settle down on your favorite couch to relax and watch some television. Once the television powers up, you have several hundred channels and streaming options available to you. These channel and streaming options give you hundreds more viewing options. Similarly, each viewing option offers you an even wider array of story lines from which to choose.

Tuning into a television show is a choice

With the remote control in your hand, it’s time to decide what you want to experience. For example, do you want to laugh? Do you prefer an emotionally moving story? Does the excitement of action and adventure entice you? Do you want to be scared? Is your preference to experience a warm and loving plot? The remote control is your key to any one of these experiences.

Nobody doubts his or her ability to choose a television show and have the desired experience. Physically speaking, we pick up the remote control, turn on the television, and then tune to the program we want to watch. In terms of life’s experiences, we do the same thing metaphysically. The term physical refers to the body and the material world. Metaphysics, on the other hand, refers to that which is outside of our objective experience. The point is that we have the same level of control over our life experiences as we do what TV program to watch.

Tuning into a life experience is also a choice

Let’s accept for the sake of discussion that selecting a life experience is as effortless as pressing a button on the TV remote control to change what we watch. We trust that the decision to physically press the button will change the channel. So, too, must we trust that the decision to have a new or different life experience will also produce the desired effect.

For this to happen, however, we must know that the “remote control” of our life is in our hands. Instead of thinking that life is out of our hands, change your thought to one that affirms we have control. The statement, “He (or she) sure knows how to push my buttons” comes from the mistaken belief that life’s “remote control” is in someone else’s hands. Nobody else has this level of access to your life experiences. They only have the power to create their own experiences.

The power is in your hands

For the next week, try something different. Plan out your experiences like a network sets its programming schedule. Anytime you encounter a challenge or something you would like to experience differently, close your eyes and visualize the scenario as if you are watching it on a TV. Be aware of any thoughts that are associated with the viewing experience. Dial into how you feel as you watch it.

Do you experience fearful thoughts? Does the show evoke anger or a sense of vengeance? Ask yourself if you want to continue experiencing the associated sensations or feelings in your body. If you would rather watch a different show, then its time to change the channel.

With your eyes still closed, continue to picture your life circumstance playing on the imaginary TV. Now visualize the outcome or experience that you would rather have. Press a button on your remote control and see the new show on the TV screen. You are the network programmer, so you have complete control.

Remind yourself throughout the day that God and free will give you the power to do whatever you want. Anytime you experience something you do not like, repeat the technique and choose again. When you experience something you like, thank God for giving you the power to create it. Know that God’s unconditional love for His children assures you that the control is in your hands.

Copyright © 2022 by God And I Are One, GAIAO LLC. All rights reserved.

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