Becoming a Designated Miracle Maker™ is as easy as remembering and living the affirmation, God and I are One™. If you understand and practice the steps in this series of posts, you might just be a miracle maker.
Miracles work from the inside, out
To know “if” a miracle will work, you must first know “how” a miracle works. A person who sees the need for healing some aspect of his life frequently prays for a miracle. The prayer often involves a request to make the perceived problem go away. While this form of praying is sincere, it may not produce the desired result. This is due to the fact that it merely affirms the existence of the problem. It also affirms that the power to make miracles is outside of his control.
In God’s realm, every one of His children has control over her experiences. This does not mean that we bring on or ask for the perceived bad things that happen from time-to- time. To think so is wrong-minded and generates guilt which only perpetuates the problem. The ego is all too happy to foster this incorrect thinking, however. It uses the guilt as proof of its separation from God. And, that the so-called bad things are its due punishment.
To heal the body, first heal the mind
To experience healing, first look at the thought system that believes healing is even necessary. By now, it is clear–miracles are the natural effect of our connection to God. With God as the cause, the miracle changes our beliefs from “I need to be healed” to “I already am healed.” In other words, the miracle does not change the situation, but it does change how we perceive it.
Decide whether God or the ego shall serve as pilot
The body, by itself, is neutral. It does not think or make decisions for itself. In this sense, it operates like a sailing ship. The ship requires a captain or master at the helm to steer the ship in an intended direction. The captain decides the direction. The ship responds to the captain without judging the appropriateness of the decision.
As the sailing ship needs a captain, so too does the body. The only question is whether God or the ego shall assume the helm. If the ego has its way, the body becomes a tool for attack, retribution, and defense against the ills of the world. When the mind focuses on fear, the body reacts as if it has been attacked and weakness ensues. Sickness is also used to engender guilt in the perceived attacker. “See what you did to me,” bellows the ego!
God directs healing through us
With one simple shift in consciousness, God relieves the ego of its command and assumes control of the “ship.” The body immediately responds in like kind as God’s unconditional love and reassuring hand guide the mind. Healing miracles flow with effortless ease when you place your thoughts and actions under God’s guidance. Again, miracles do not change the body or circumstances, only how you interpret them.
As a miracle maker, when you encounter an uncomfortable circumstance, it reminds you to realign yourself with God, unconditional love, and forgiveness. You then use your healing to demonstrate to others that healing is possible. Your healing serves as witness that healing is their Divine right. In doing so, you also heal a world that believes in separation and is in desperate need of healing.
When a surprise bodily concern grabs the miracle maker’s attention, he always turns to God before consulting an Internet-based medical website. If you have discovered that the Internet is the hypochondriac’s dream and nightmare all wrapped into one, you might just be a Designated Miracle Maker™.
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