You control your world… you are not its victim.

We often interpret our experiences as unexpected and uncontrollable events that wreak havoc in our lives. Many of these events appear to come out of nowhere. The apparent randomness of these occurrences tends to engender great fear. How many times have we uttered the phrase “why me” or “what next” in the face of life’s surprises? How many times have we recoiled with fearful anticipation when the phone rang unexpectedly?

The GAIAO™ Principal reassures us that we ultimately have control over both our experiences and our reactions to them. At this point in your evolution, you may not yet fully understand just how much control and power you actually have. Fortunately, you can access this power at any time by steadfastly holding the phrase “God And I Are One™” in your consciousness as these events appear. Doing so activates the power to transform any experience.

When fear floods your consciousness in response to an apparently random event, use the power of GAIAO™ to change its outcome. Replace your visualizations of the worst possible outcomes by affirming GAIAO™. Stop choosing a rising tide of fear and replace it with the calm knowledge that you can choose to experience love, peace, and joy instead. Allow no ego-based thought to pull you from your new choice.

The ego will try mightily to prosecute its case that what it “sees” in the moment guarantees you a bad outcome, and that fear is the only logical response. The GAIAO™ Principle effortlessly reminds you that you have already been guaranteed a good outcome, and that love, peace, and joy are assured.

Copyright © 2022 by God And I Are One, GAIAO LLC. All rights reserved.

1 thought on “You control your world… you are not its victim.”

  1. How do you suggest one find the ability to put oneself in the place of strength and acceptance that God And I Are One when entrenched in the middle of situations where one feels like the victim? Is it prayer? Meditation? This is a lofty goal for me at the moment that I would love to achieve. Thanks

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